IPSE core business is the securitization and the management of IP assets.
IPSE’s managers have important knowledge both in IP, financial and securities areas. They are financial specialists and a lawyer specialized both in financial law and in IP. The initiation of activities is thus ensured by the experience and the network of the managers.
In parallel with the first development steps, the Issuer plans to set up an IP Investment Trust, based on the model of real estate investment trusts, which own or finance income-producing real estate. With this system, investors can invest in real estate through the purchase of shares. The IP Investment Trust of the Issuer works under the same model as these real estate investment trusts, allowing investments in IP assets through the purchase of IP securities.
The IP Investment Trust has a second advantage that is to have IP securities within the same location, thus creating a homogeneity.
Once the Issuer has established its complete operation, it plans to continue developing its activities, taking into account evolutions and changes, especially in the field of cryptocurrencies and tokens. Indeed, IP is a domain in constant evolution, and IPSE will adapt and improve its services both with regard to new regulations and developments in technology.
In the medium term, the Issuer will update its system in order to adapt to the processing of institutional rights held by States, institutions, and other legal entities, with a special focus on technological, scientific and medical research. Institutional IP rights, through patents in particular, will be securitized according to the same system as private IP rights, but on a wider scale and with the security reinforced.
Investors that invest in institutional IP assets will obviously have to be institutional investors, due to the potential complexity of the product, in a similar manner to which the sale of certain structured products is limited to institutional investors. Institutional IP securities will be able to generate important revenues for States and investors, due to the number of these rights and their potential economic importance, and in turn generate productive partnerships with IPSE as a result of their securitization.