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In 1998, Marc DESCHENAUX has founded the World Intellectual Property Securities Exchange Corporation (WIPSEC), the first exchange quoting a new type of securities representing ownership of a patent, a trademark, a music work, a movie or a technology. For the first time, investors might invest in IP assets as classical securities on marketplaces. WIPSEC planned to make IP rights negotiable on the stock market that is a major innovation both in IP and in financial areas. However, as banking establishments needed several years to accept a new exchange, WIPSEC could not achieve its project. Today, the conditions to trade IP assets on the stock exchange are present, so the founders created IPSE to use and improve the WIPSEC’s concept. The three founders are specialized in financial law, securities law and intellectual property. With their expertise, they have decided to team up to build the IPSE’s project. IPSE offices are located in three strategic locations in the world, known for their international business and network, Geneva in Switzerland, New York and Los Angeles in United States, for which the office is currently being acquired.

Resumen de la compañía

IPSE is an American company that was founded by Philippe FROEHLICHER, Richard ORMOND and Marc DESCHENAUX on December 2014. With IPSE, the founders designed a securitization system that increases the control of authors, artists, inventors or other IP holders over their IP rights. The founders and their team are convinced that IP securitization is necessary and that it will financially help to sustain research and creative projects. The securitization process is able to generate new funds for authors, artists or inventors resulting from the assignment of the securities on the private and public markets. The incorporation of IP rights into securities and their management by IPSE shall remove the risk of loss of royalties relative to the works of the author, artist or inventor.


IPSE’s business is based on an innovative concept, the securitization of IP rights. IP covers the following areas: Copyright, for literary and artistic creations; Patent,

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IPSE endeavors to change an abstract field into a pragmatic and easily negotiable area. The immaterial aspect of IP rights makes the classical protection and

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IPSE has developed an innovative concept both in IP and in financial areas. The securitization of IP rights has never existed before in the strict

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IPSE has developed an innovative concept both in IP and in financial areas. The securitization of IP rights has never existed before in the strict

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La titulización de los activos de propiedad intelectual hace más accesible tanto la compra de valores en el mercado privado como en el público, que tradicionalmente está reservada a los profesionales

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El análisis preliminar de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y de sus titulares garantizará la seguridad de las transacciones realizadas sobre los valores de propiedad intelectual, asegurando la situación y la estimación de

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La información sobre los valores de P.I. está a disposición de los inversores, protegiendo en general la identidad de los titulares de derechos de P.I., debido a la anonimización de los activos de P.I. generada por

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Las transacciones concluidas sobre títulos de propiedad intelectual generarán transferencias inmediatas y garantizarán la aplicabilidad directa y el aspecto automático de las transacciones, sin necesidad de otros

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