A 音乐版权 is a legal term used to describe the rights that musiciens have over their creations. IPSE ensures the process of securitization of new music IP rights and those already existing.
Once the IPSE confirms that the IP rights fulfill these criteria, the securitization process will be granted and IPSE will manage these rights.
As previously mentioned, the securitization process concerns existing works but also new artistic projects. IPSE will support them by organizing their IP rights’ securitization which will raise new funds necessary for the finalization of these projects, and to pursue and broaden their creativity.
IPSE intends to support new musical works or shows through crowdfunding campaigns as well. For instance, IPSE will give rights and memorabilia relating to specific IP to crowdfunders who contributed to the project’s financing. Such memorabilia may even include concert tickets for related artists, for which and whom the crowd funders raised funds.
IP securitization is necessary given that it will help to financially sustain creative music projects. The securitization process will generate new funds for them resulting from the assignment of the securities on the private &/or public market. The incorporation of IP rights in securities and their management by IPSE will limit the risk of loss of royalties on the works of the musiciens.